What Not To Put Down Rubbish Disposals

What Not To Put Down Rubbish Disposals

What Not To Put Down Rubbish Disposals

1. Grease and Oil

Grease and oil are often byproducts of cooking. While it might seem easy to pour them down the drain while they’re hot and in liquid form, this can lead to problems. As they cool, these substances solidify and can adhere to the walls of your pipes, leading to blockages. Instead, pour your cooking grease and oil into a container, let it solidify, and then dispose of it in your regular trash.

2. Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds have a granular texture that can help eliminate odors, leading some people to believe they’re good for rubbish disposals. However, over time, these grounds can accumulate in your pipes and create stubborn blockages. A better use for coffee grounds is in compost piles, where they can contribute to the creation of nutrient-rich soil.

3. Eggshells

Eggshells are a common kitchen waste item that people often think are safe for rubbish disposals. The myth that they can sharpen disposal blades is widespread, but in reality, the thin membranes inside the shells can wrap around the disposal’s shredder ring, causing damage. It’s better to compost eggshells or simply throw them in your regular trash.

4. Bones

Bones are far too hard for most rubbish disposals to handle. Attempting to grind up bones can dull the blades, cause jams, and even lead to motor burnout. Larger bones can also become lodged in the disposal, requiring a potentially costly repair. Bones should be disposed of in your regular trash.

5. Pasta and Rice

Pasta and rice might seem harmless because they’re soft and easy to chop up. However, they expand when they come into contact with water, which can happen even after they’ve been chopped into small pieces by the disposal. This can lead to blockages in your pipes. It’s best to dispose of pasta and rice in your regular trash.

6. Fibrous Vegetables

Fibrous vegetables like celery, asparagus, and corn husks can cause problems for rubbish disposals. The fibers in these vegetables can tangle around the disposal blades, leading to jams. These should be composted or disposed of in your regular trash.

7. Non-Food Items

Non-food items like plastic wrappers, paper, glass, or metal have no place in a rubbish disposal. These items can dull the blades, cause jams, or even damage the motor. Always dispose of non-food items in your regular trash.

By understanding what not to put down your rubbish disposal, you can help prevent clogs and extend the life of your disposal. Remember, when in doubt, it’s better to throw it out!